Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
After all the coaster contests we have done so far, it's time for a change of pace! For this contest, everyone will have to build a rocking horse ride! With a rocking horse ride, I mean a gentle ride with horse vehicles (or similar) where the horses rock back and forth. You can find these rides in many real parks, and they are mostly geared towards kids! I build one of these rides in most of my larger parks, and they're a great way to fill an area! To spice them up, you could even put some targets next to the track and turn it into a shooting ride! I have made a tutorial recently, which you can use to create your own version of this ride!
Rule 1: You have to build a ride where the guests gently ride around on horses or similar vehicles (You can use any of the steeplechase vehicles, except Soap Boxes), which rock back and forth on straight sections. You can follow the tutorial linked lower on this page to see how it's done. The ride track must be visible.
Rule 2: You have to keep the speed of the vehicles low. How low? Just remember you're making a ride that is supposed to be ridden by children.
Rule 3: The deadline for this contest will be on the 27th of October at 19:00 CEST!
Rule 4: For this contest, you are only allowed to use objects from the RCT1 and RCT2 base game and their official expansions, OpenRCT2-official objects, and custom objects that are included in the DKSO v2.1 bench. Custom objects that are not in the DKSO v2.1 bench are not allowed, so make sure you don't use those. You are also allowed to use a custom palette if you want.
Rule 5: The maximum map size for this round is 1600 tiles. This number will be calculated by multiplying the size of the map edges. You could for example make a map that is 40 x 40 tiles, or 32 x 50 tiles.
Rule 6: There is no limit to the amount of opened rides you can have in the park.
Rule 7: Have fun!