Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
For this month's contest, everyone will have to build a New generation Vekoma! Basically, it should be a coaster type made by Vekoma that doesn't use the arrow style track! (So not the compact inverted coaster or corkscrew coaster track) Vekoma have made many different new generation coaster lately, including flying coasters, sit-down coasters, launched coasters, family boomerangs and inverted coasters! The LIM launched coaster track is probably closest to what Vekoma uses on their newer coasters! On this website you can find all the coasters Vekoma has built, if you sort by date and look at the newer ones you can find some good examples of their newer generation coasters! Of course you can also always ask around in our discord!
Rule 1: You have to build a newer generation Vekoma Coaster. Examples of New gen Vekoma rides can be found on their website or the aforementioned link.
Rule 2: You cannot use the Corkscrew Coaster track or Compact Inverted Coaster track for your Vekoma coaster.
Rule 3: The deadline for this contest will be on the 26th of April at 19:00 CET!
Rule 4: For this contest, you are not allowed to use custom scenery or rides in your park, with the exception of custom recolorable versions of standard in-game scenery, and 1 custom train! You are also allowed to use a custom palette if you want. Please deselect all unused custom objects in the object selection before sending in the save file!
Rule 5: For this round, the maximum map size will be 50 x 50 tiles.
Rule 6: There is no limit to the amount of opened rides you can have in the park.
Rule 7: Have fun!