Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Christmas is around the corner, so I think it will be fun if we do something with that this year.
That's why I want everyone to build a little Christmas park! You could build an actual little park, or you could for example build a giant christmas tree. The choice is yours!
Rule 1: You must build something Christmas themed in a small map.
Rule 2: There is no rule 2 for this round (yet).
Rule 3: The maximum map size for this contest will be 25 x 25 tiles, but feel free to go smaller - the time for this contest is quite short!
Rule 4: For this contest, there's no limit on the amount of rides you can put in the park!
Rule 5: For this contest, you are allowed to use ONE custom ride or vehicle type in your park! You are also allowed to use a custom palette. All other custom objects are not allowed! For this round, all OpenRCT2-official objects will be allowed!
You can find some nice custom Christmas themed ride vehicles here: https://github.com/spacek531/custom-rides/
Rule 6: The deadline will be Thursday the 24th of December 2020, at 19:00 CET!
Rule 7: Have fun!