Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Create an Ice Cream Stall! Oh, and you also have to build an RMC coaster!
Rule 1: You have to make an ice cream stall. You can use either the fruity ices stall or the ice cream cone stall.
Rule 2: Your map must also contain an RMC coaster. Because the new RMC track is not included in the game yet, you will have to build them the old-fashioned way! I uploaded a tutorial for making an RMC coaster several days ago which I recommend checking out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS1gRbvkXEw
You can use any track type you want, but I recommend mixing a steel track with the wooden coaster track.
Rule 3: The deadline for this contest will be on Sunday the 26th of April, at 8 in the evening, Central European Summer Time!
Rule 4: You are not allowed to use custom scenery, rides or vehicles for this round. This also means you are not allowed to use the custom RMC trains. You must use one of the train types from the original game or one of its expansions. I recommend the articulated wooden coaster trains. You ARE allowed to use a custom palette if you want! When the new RMC track is included in the game, we will do another RMC contest, in which you will be allowed to use the custom RMC trains. In this round, we will do it without custom trains!
Rule 5: The maximum map size for this round will be 50x50 tiles!
Rule 6: There are no limits to the amount of other rides you place in your entry!
Rule 7: Have fun!