Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Hey everyone, it's time for a new Ride Creation Contest! For most of our contests, the contestants had to make sort of realistic rides. For this round, I want to do something a little bit more silly! There's a good chance you have seen one of my videos of my Class Action Megapark series. In these videos, I built a park full of rides that were dangerous or just silly, but without the rides being ridiculous (no 999kmh launches), and still trying to make them look really nice. That will be your goal for this month's contest: Make a coaster that could fit right into Class Action Megapark! Some things you could think of: A bobsleigh with a loop / A wild mouse with jumps / Two coasters that closely chase each other on the same track / A coaster that crosses a path / A coaster with a loop in the station / A coaster that travels through its layout backwards... The possibilities are endless! What kind of dangerous or silly rides can you come up with?
Rule 1: You have to build a coaster that would fit right into Class Action Megapark - it has to have a dangerous or silly element to it.
Rule 2: Guests still have to be willing to ride the coaster - so no extreme intensity or nausea
Rule 3: The deadline for this contest will be on the 27th of May at 19:00 CET!
Rule 4: For this contest, you are not allowed to use custom scenery or rides in your park, with the exception of custom recolorable versions of standard in-game scenery! You are also allowed to use a custom palette if you want. Please deselect all unused custom objects in the object selection before sending in the save file!
Rule 5: For this round, the maximum map size will be 50 x 50 tiles.
Rule 6: There is no limit to the amount of opened rides you can have in the park.
Rule 7: Have fun!