Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 8.96
Full story for every stage can be found in download file.
Stage 1
1992: The Candy Man
Welcome to the southern part of Sjælland, Denmark. During the late 80ies, a man named Michael Spangsberg starts producing his bonbons in a factory in the small town of Holme-Olstrup. His first signature bonbon is called Hold Kæft Bolsche, the “Shut Up BonBon”. The next candy he produces is a small, brown licorice bonbon. When Michael presents the candy for his son Nicolai, the first reaction was: “Dad, that looks like dogshit”. Michael can only agree, but he chooses to name the candy Hundeprutter/ “Dogfarts”. And from then on, he decides to name all of his sweets after bizarre and sexual stuff - and it’s a huge succes! The demand for the sweets is growing rapidly, and especially the kids want to see how the sweets are made. Due to strict hygiene protocols, Spangsberg can’t let too many in at a time, so he buys a plot of land next to the factory, and in 1992 the guests can visit the small and cozy BonBon-Land. In the entrance building, Spangsberg is demonstrating how the sweets are made, and the building also features a cinema, a small shop and some restrooms. Outside of the building, guests can take a relaxing ride in the four Andemadsbåde, the “Duckweed boats”, which is also one of the bonbons the guests can enjoy. The first summer season is such a huge success, that Spangsberg during the first months decides to install a ball bassin, a sandbox and a bouncy mattress. Since the Dogfarts started it all, Michael also decides that the candy should have it’s own statue, to welcome the guests. Henry the Dogfart quickly becomes the mascot of the park, and the guests really seem to love BonBon-Land. More than 170.000 guests visited the park, and Michael knew he had to develop this project! With the slogan “It’s shitty funny in BonBon-Land”, Spangsberg is looking into a future as a theme park owner
FUN FACT: Late in the summer, a kid named Jazzanden is born. 12 days after his birth, he visits BonBon-Land for the very first time, but surely not the last