Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 9.21
Full story for every stage can be found in download file.
Stage 1
1952 - The rise and rise of Poverty Rows Studios.
Poverty Rows is a film-making company that has produced 35mm silent films since the 1920s. In the next two decades huge capital investments were made in the latest sound-on-film processes to synchronize motion pictures with spoken dialogues, sound effects and background music. This made Poverty Rows Studios renowned for their entrepreneurial film techniques.
However, with that heavy focus on expensive film techniques the remaining budget for filmmaking is horrifically low. With badly written stories, a cast with inexperienced newcomers, and cheap special effects, the films from Poverty Rows Studios typically belong to the B-movie category. Traditionally, B-movies are displayed in cinemas to warm up the audience for the high-quality A-Movies from big film-making companies. By displaying B-movies unknown actors have a platform to display their talents and many actors have been scouted and made their way into the big film blockbusters.
Ironically, Poverty Rows Studios became notorious for their B-movies and have gained their own cult status that has stolen the hearts of many fans around the world. Recently, the board has decided to create their own drive-in cinema on the car park of their studio lot to display their infamous B-movies to the public. The fans adore the unique storylines with their weird and sudden plot turns as well as the accompanied cringy acting skills, unbelievable special effects and unconventional theme mashups.
Poverty Rows Studios produces movies so bad that they are good!