Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 8.79
Full story for every stage can be found in download file
Stage 1
Across the baron arid desert, they fled, desperately running from the cool dude invaders. They travelled for what seemed like weeks without the slightest hint of any other people around. They began to lose hope until they saw something upon the horizon, as they got closer it became more clear that they had stumbled across an old abandoned aircraft hanger at the foot of a colossal volcano. The survivors rested for the night feeling slightly more hopeful for the future. When the sun rose in the morning. The survivors began looking around materials to build some extensions to the air hanger as they could not all fit within the air hanger comfortably. Once they had found a sufficient amount of materials a large portion of them began to build some additional structures onto the side of the hanger. They completed them after a while although they did not look the greatest but they served their purpose as an extra room. Within the air hanger, they found a couple of rides that were probably used for training pilots. They also found some diesel generators that they could use to power the rides. They were surprised with the abundance of material with and around the air hanger, they suspected it was abandoned in a hurry when the cool dudes searched this area. With the flat rides up and running they at least have something to do to pass the time although they will probably need something more intense and exciting to keep their attention in the long run.