Ride Creation Contest
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Park Creation Contest
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Score: 7.54
Full story for every stage can be found in download file
Chapter 1: 1937 – A permanent settlement
The international travelling circus tour of The Elysium Hippodrome lasted until 1937 and in whole of Europe performances had been given. However, at the end of the tour the circus was close to a bankruptcy due to the financial crises known as the Great Depression that hit the world economy. The rise of fascism and national socialism also made travelling a dangerous undertaking. Therefore, Harry Lambeth had to take another course with his circus business. He made an agreement with Earl Boudewijn van Akerlaken in the Netherlands to buy a small part of their hunting grounds to set up the circus and make it accessible to the wider public to stay in business. The circus made camp in the newly formed park and the artist lived next to it. Electricity was not ready installed in their park because during the financial crisis this was too expensive to install. With people being able to move by car also a small parking lot was made so tourists from far and wide could access The Elysium Hippodrome.
The hunting ground of Earl Van Akerlaken was still large enough for him to hunt and enclosures of the park had to be made to fence off other animals and to guarantee the safety of the future guests who visited the circus. Harry and Elisa made a permanent encampment close to the earl’s large hunting lodge and within a month The Elysium Hippodrome opened to the public with their circus. Earl Van Akerlaken also came by every now and again to inspect if the people behaved in the park as they should not be too loud as it would scare all wild game from his lands and he insisted that he does not have to walk to his furthest hunting huts each time he went out hunting with his upper class friends.
The circus gives hope and joy to the people from the adjacent village in these difficult financial and political times and life seems bright for a while as the world around them was darkening. Harry Lambeth is both director and wild animal tamer and is the leader of the crew and his wife Elisa being his acrobat expert. Her acts defy the laws of physics and it is said she moves as if being in space and it seems that gravity does not have a grip on her. Harry and Elisa have recruited clown Norry who is also a fantastic juggler, a mysterious unnamed person referred to as the Woman with the Beard how can sing even lower than Harry, the fortune teller Esmeralda who is currently in disguise as a handyman because she is a gypsy which is difficult in these fascist times, strongman Badang from whom is said he is the strongest man of the northern equator, and the human cannonball actor who happened to be a great engineer and was hence nicknamed Fritz Fix. The cream of the crop of the circus are the animals. There are domestic horses that allow visitors to have a ride on horseback, but the real eye catchers are the tigers Felix and Pawla, a chimpanzee called Olivia, and the big Indian elephants Hanni and Mahmud. These animals could be found in the trailers after the show, but once these exotic animals perform in the circus they really got the attention of the people from all ages!