Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 7.32
"Sir Optment, how's it going with the research?"
"Good news Mister Manager! The projections indicate the dashing new Steam Train with Covered Carts for the Miniature Railway will be ready in just a few months!"
"Devel, this simply will not do! I already have two types of trains for the miniature railway, I don't need another!"
"But mister Manager, do you not like our inventions? Not even the Heartline Coaster from last month??"
"Damnit Devel, I need a lift! A lift I'm telling ya!
"But sir, the Lift isn't scheduled to be researched for at least another year, we have a whole list of other inventions we'd have to get through first!"
"Fine, then I'll just have to cheat, I suppose."
"Mister Manager! You cannot resort to cheating! It would too lowly of you! .. May I offer a suggestion?"
"I'm listening..."
"What if we..*murmur murmur whisper whisper*"