Ride Creation Contest
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Park Creation Contest
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 6.52
In the 26th century, the Illuminati will have established more than a hundred colonies throughout the galaxy. Many of these colonies are not in communion with each other however, as by that time the Illuminati will have splintered into countless denominations, each regarding the others as heretical. Division and discord are in the nature of man.
Patriarch Leviathan is the leader of a more liberal sect within the Illuminati. Leviathan does not believe (as many among the Illuminati do) that the Illuminati should conquer less developed planets and dominate over the native inhabitants as their alien overlords; instead, he believes that the goal of the Illuminati is to have as much fun as possible. Patriarch Leviathan believes that everyone should masturbate at least five times a day and come to the special fun park that he has built next to his church.
After the Princes Of Eternal Pain sent an envoy to the colony on New Venus, Patriarch Leviathan issues a statement:
“The Princes Of Eternal Pain are a schismatic group who broke off from the mainline Illuminati in the year 2370. While our faith in a non-literal Satan reveals itself to be patristic and true, they believe that the true Illuminati profess a literal Satan who wages war against a literal God.
It is my opinion that every soul is welcome and no-one is to be rejected under any circumstance. Moreover, I think that for many who are interested in the rich history of the Illuminati, it is worthwhile to also learn about the Princes Of Eternal Pain. I have arranged for the POEP Envoy to bring his ship in geostationary orbit above the fun park. He will be free to preach if he so desires and everyone who is interested may board his ship.“
Patriarch Leviathan is murdered eight weeks later by a few radical traditional Satanists. This event comes to be known as the Venusian Schism.