Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 8.37
(Disclaimer: due to the amount of theming packed into this entry, it's best viewed with OpenGL)
Welcome to Lost Island, Iowa’s first-ever true theme park! Unlike other local amusements such as Adventureland and Arnold’s Park, this vacation destination strives to provide an immersive, Orlandoesque themed experience to the Midwestern USA. When you walk through those front gates, Lost Island has the potential to transport you to a magical world of 5 diverse nations, each based around one of the five elements: fire, earth, water, air, and spirits. And once you’ve taken it all in, you’ll truly be at a loss for words on this island.
Lost Island is a real park, btw, and “strives” and “potential” are definitely the key words of that description above. Due to low budget, this “immersive themed experience” does fall short a little bit, especially in terms of theming (and especially especially in terms of the lack of foliage).
But what if that wasn’t the case? What if Lost Island came into some big money, and thus became able to overhaul their entire park and provide an immersive experience on par with Phantasialand?
In this entry, I explored that fortunate scenario by taking the Udara (air nation) section of the park and yeeting it to the next level. Not only has a beautiful cityscape emerged in place of the wide open concrete lot that once was, but also Nopuko, the shitty SLC that used to serve as the area’s E-ticket attraction, has been torn out and replaced with No2Ko, a sleek new Vekoma STC. Inspired by Hals-Uber-Kopf at Tripsdrill, with a splash of Phantasialand’s Black Mamba, this coaster will toss, flip, and swoop you through trenches, buildings, airtime moments, and three snappy inversions. You’ll truly feel like you’ve boarded a runaway flying machine through the skyline of Udara!