Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 9.4
Of a Wizard and His Rapids
In days of yore, somewhere in the year 2019, there was a wizard named Wizard IRL. He was a powerful wizard, and his castle was a marvel to behold. It was made of the finest stone, and it was filled with magic.
One day, The Wizard IRL heard of a contest being held by the King Lord Deurklink. The contest was to see who could build the most beautiful river rapids ride in all of the lands. Wizard IRL was determined to win the contest. He used all of his magic to create a river rapids ride that was even more beautiful than he had imagined. The rapids flowed around his castle and down the mountain. It was a sight to behold.
but the wizard knew that he could not reveal his magic to the king. Lord Deurklink was a superstitious man, and he would not believe that it could be built without the help of magic.
So Wizard IRL decided to lie to the king. He named the castle “Castle Griscrane” and told the king that he was an heir to a man called Louis Griscrane who was a skilled builder. And that it was once a great mining site.
The king fell for this story and on the day of the contest, all of the rapids were brought before the king and his followers. They were impressed by all of the rapids, but they were particularly impressed by Wizard IRL’s rapids ride. He declared Wizard IRL the winner, he was given the great reward of honor.
In the years passed many people visited the castle and its famous river rapids ride.
Nowadays the castle is still frequently visited.
I remade the Winning Entry form the first river rapids contest made by Wizard IRL.
He kindly gave me his blessing to do so.
I took a lot of creative liberties, but I think it is very recognizable and that there are a lot of nods to the original.
if you haven’t seen it please look at the original entry from the Wizard IRL