Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 7.33
Falcon's Reach is the premiere flying coaster at the Falcon Lodge resort.
This mountain retreat was originally a small lodge atop a hill near a stream and a large waterfall. In the years to come the lodge wanted to expand to accomodate more hikers and visitors of the natural wonder it was nestled near, so the operators decided to expand into a larger facility at the bottom of the hill in the shadow of Falcon Falls. In addition they opened a few shops and a pathway under the falls for better viewing.
The success of this resort led to the opening of a river rapids ride, Pelican Canyon that attracted families and thrillseekers alike, and that in turn brought the attention of regional theme park chain, Cypress Fair, who purchased the property and expanded to include a flying rollercoaster as phase 1 of their expansion. Due to budget constraints the expansion has been on hold ever since the installation, but to this day Falcon's Reach is widely agreed upon by coaster enthusiasts to be one of the most unique flying rollercoasters due to its natural setting and tunnels.
Not sure if any crediting needs to be done for specific portions but the gist of it:
Ride layouts - clamgg
Architecture/park layout - technofuzzy
Landscaping/terraforming - clamgg/technofuzzy
Park Story - technofuzzy