Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 5.66
On August 24, 2023 the wrestling world received some devastating news, modern day wrestling legend Windham Rotunda better known as Bray Wyatt passed away from a heart attack after an infection of Covid-19 exacerbated a pre-existing heart condition. The 36 year old wrestling star was loved by the fans and wrestlers alike for his unique character work, passion for the industry and kindness to other people outside of the ring that a month later tribute signs still pour into wrestling venues honoring his legacy. Being a big fan of him as well, I decided to make a tribute for him the best way I know how by making a theme park in RCT to honor him. The Wyatt Compound Park is based heavily on early Wyatt Family promos which were shot in a combination of backwoods, farmland and swamp bayous. You enter this park from the backwoods coming across a gated fence with the sign that reads “ Welcome to the Wyatt Compound”. The gate swings up for you beckoning you deeper into the woods. You exit the woods into a clearing where a circle of cars surround each other trying to keep someone from getting out, It’s the Wyatt Family Compound Brawl a Bumper Car Ride based heavily off of The New Day vs Wyatt Family Brawl where the new day try to bring some positivity into the compound before getting attacked. As you venture further ahead you walk past a Graveyard and an abandoned white house before entering a barn where a coaster lies in front of you daring you to board. This is the Fireflies Rollercoaster, a launched flying coaster/dark ride hybrid. The station lies within a barn that is based off the original barn/shed that the original Wyatt Family promos were recorded in as well as the station for Thunderbird in Holiday World. After you get launched out of the station you fly above a pier pulling up before reaching the water. This takes inspiration from the Wyatt Swamp fight match which ended with Bray Wyatt drowning Braun Strowman off a pier. After diving into the water and flying through some trees you end up back in front of the white house. Entering the front door you hear someone telling you to “let me in”. The first room you enter is a replica of the Firefly Funhouse, a fake tv show that would play on WWE where Bray would pretend to be a kid’s tv show host during his first return run. After that you enter a wooden room lit up by a lantern next to Bray’s rocking chair. You can see something crawling up the stairs before exiting. Going further into a house you see a cult surrounding some sort of wooden structure which you sneak around them into the basement which is pitch black before you find a room with a statue of a skeleton hand holding up the world. Afterwards the basement once again goes pitch back while a voice tells you to “abandon all hope ye who exit here”. You then get launched out of the basement into the attic filled with spiders, a toy train set and all seeing eye telling you to “Join the Dark Order”, all of which reference the other members of the Wyatt Family solo careers. Exiting the house from the second floor you fly between the house and the barn across some farm lands before reentering the station ending your journey as one of Bray’s fireflies.