Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 5.4
Fictional park
Welcome to the small Steeple Park. A small park consisting of only five Steeplechase roller coasters, build on an old abandoned railroad station, in 1976. Over the years, with a small budget, the park would add a roller coaster ever five or six years.
The first coaster built in the park was The Grand Chase in 1975 (opened in 1976) build by Arrow Dynamics. This is your classic steeplechase coaster that climbs a 70-foot lift-hill and then goes through many twists and turns before arriving back at the station.
Five years later, in 1980, the park opened “The Great Eschase” (like Great Escape). This non-classic Steeplechase coaster was like no other. Instead of an old-fashioned lift-hill, guests board a 35-foot high station and take the plunge down before hitting hills and turns. The lift-hill is at the end to bring the car back to the station.
For a decade, those were the only two coasters until the park opened in 1990, “Launched Into Chase” (play-on of ‘launched into space’. This space-theme steeplechase was the first launched steeplechase coaster to open. Guests are launched almost 55km/h into a steel-caged tunnel before going side-by-side with the other two coasters in the park.
Four years later, the park opened in 1994, “Boomerang Chase”, a yet-again one of a kind steeplechase coaster; a boomerang steeplechase.
In 2003, the park opened “Mini Chase” for those not brave enough to endure the other four steeplechase coasters.
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