Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 8.85
Welcome to the Peruvian Jungle.
Explorers have found an amazing dig site with an old Mayan city build out of gold - The City of Caracol.
What they found, was an old ancient amusementpark build out of gold, wood and unexplainable steel.
You can find wildlife, Explorers, Carcasses, Fossiles and some other little scenes.
You are greeted by 2 huge mayan statues (Made by DjWessie) after entering the park through the entry plaza (Made by Johnson).
The park is the home of a Swing ride "Flight of Muan", that simulates the flight of the Mayan bird god Muan. (Djwessie)
The Maya Express is a last ride to the land of the dead. The express ride to eternal life in the afterlife. (Djwessie & Johnson)
The Bonham disc, is named after the typical Mayan discs, called "Bonham" and its a Disc-O-Ride. (Guess where Zamperla got the inspiration from). (Djwessie)
Dios' Mask a a ride that is letting guests, or Mayan explorers, ride along the face mask of Dios. (Johnson)
Then there is a Top Spin, Which twists the mind into the hidden the city of gold (El Dorado). (Johnson)
El Mirador is a river which warned the mayas for intruders, before they would 'fall' to their deaths on the wooden logs travelling the river. (Johnson)
Yaxche Is the name the Mayans gave to the tree of life, so El Yaxche is our Tree of Life drop tower. (Johnson & Djwessie).
Expedition Caracol allows the guests to explore the channel around the pyramid by Canoe.(Johnson)
The Two coasters are the God of Sun - "Kinich Ahau" and the Moongoddess "Ixchel" from the Mayans, fighting each other to become night and day.
(Layout by Johnson, Improved by Djwessie, Improved by Johnson)
The Lifthill supports and trackitecture supports are done by Djwessie and both Jonhson and Djwessie supported the ride elsewhere.
Most of the scenery/foliage is done by Johnson (The big Tower on the hill, Some of the amazing scenery and the ground textures).
Enjoy the map and Explore every last detail of the map.