Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 6.59
Come down to Parky McParkface! Try the thrilling rollercoaster ride, try the popcorn, witness someone plunge to their death or taste the delicious cotton candy!
This park consists of a wipe-out course and one coaster as main attractions. The coaster was never very popular, even though it had a thrilling drop into the canyon. This was mainly due to a gas leak in the tunnel before the looping, which gives sporadic flame bursts. The main reason people visit the park is the wipe-out course.
The park’s original wipe-out course was much safer, closer to the ground and less hard hitting than the current one. With every update the course became more dangerous. Not entirely on purpose at first, but the investors saw to their pleasing that the popularity of the park was rising because of it. They realized people even bought a park ticket just to watch brave thrill-seeking participants make an attempt at the course. At one point, the wipe-out track in its current state was built from scratch. Hanging over a cliff, a thin walking strip connects two platforms, featuring swinging boxes that have the potential to punish a poorly timed step by death.
After the first fatal incident, the investors found out the willingness of people to make an attempt was in steep decline. To solve this problem, they came up with a reward so enticing that enough dare devils would still participate: “the promised land”. A vague description for a luxurious cruise and vacation destination for unlimited time. A small price in the eyes of the investors, given the huge profit made on selling processed sugary snacks with high margins within the park.
The contestants, or tributes, as they are called, became heroes in the eyes of the audience and are greeted on a catwalk before their trial. After surviving the track, they are received in the small white finish building, where they can collect their reward. If, of course, they guess the four prize-winning digits correctly.