Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 9.28
Another very interesting and challenging RCC! For a while I've had a growing interest in re-constructing a few of my previous rides. The one stand-out candidate for me was GALE FORCE, the Morgan hypercoaster from one of my earliest contest submissions. With the unique 2km format this month, I took that as my chance to justify attempting it. The result is STORM SURGE, an Intamin-esque gigacoaster that combines and improves elements from the original Morgan hyper, with a tweaked and elongated layout, and a much-improved support structure. The giga layout isn't the most insane thing in the world, but I wanted to focus on the skyline-altering quality of the structure in a compelling scale. It's also not as twisty as a real Intamin would likely be - it's more of a modern-classic giga-hyper thing. It's a coaster!
Also included is my current-greatest shoestring contraption, BIG SWING. There's a daisy-chain of inspiration going on here. After seeing MrBuffalo consolidate my swing concept into a single ride, I was inspired to re-attempt my original version in a way that allowed the 4-track parallel format to function as a single circuit instead of synced stations. I learned a lot working on this ride, and you'll definitely be seeing more in the future.
"DOGS TOWN PRESS - Bark's Park Land Rights Purchase to Cultivate New Attractions.
"As Bark's Park continues to grow, local attention is being paid to exactly where and how the park expands into its surroundings. Under its typical "unobserved" state, Bark's Park maintains a superposition of multiple possible realities. These many worlds usually consist of one large thrill ride, a few companion rides, and the immediate area around it. There is no discernable consistency between one Bark's Park and another. However, by consciously acknowledging this flux, an "observer" is introduced into the system, which forces Bark's Park's wave function to collapse into a single reality. Because of this phenomena, Manic Mechanics' latest extradimensional seizure, STORM SURGE, has encountered unexpected land-availability setbacks upon its summoning. The new Intamin-style gigacoaster was planned to occupy the edge of the property's lake, but the unexpected properties of quantum observation has resulted in the coaster significantly encroaching on the neighboring farm's land.
MM: 'We're just not used to this kind of thing yet. We learn how to teleport coasters from other universes and nobody bats an eye - it's only when they learn being *aware* of the reaction causes the destination to randomize! Seriously! We just can't catch a break!'
Manic Mechanics has chosen to employ an archaic civil loophole by purchasing "construction rights" from the neighboring farm, apparently at no consent from the owners themselves.
MM: 'Now we can build whatever coaster we want on his land, just so long as it doesn't touch the ground.'
DTP: 'But doesn't the coaster touch the ground?'
MM: 'The supports touch the ground. The coaster doesn't touch the ground.'"