Ride Creation Contest
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Park Creation Contest
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 9.3
Skeleton Reef, once known as one of the deadliest sailing ground for pirates, has been reimagined into a top tier waterpark for you to enjoy. Much of the park is based on the journals of numerous pirates who faced these deadly waters and lived to tell the tale. Come enjoy
As a gift, we have provided a small bit of one of our guiding journals used to help guide us in the creation of the park. Our ridenames have been ripped right from the pages of these journals. Please enjoy some history as you take in the sights of Skeleton Reef.
Journal of a scallywag:
July 30, 1782
Today we set sail for Jamaica. Ole' Cap'n Iretont promised chests full of scuttlebutt and treasure. I be stackin' cannonballs all day round here. At least me ain't part of the ole swabbin crew.
August 13, 1782
After sailing near 30 days, we dropped anchor in Port Royal. Most of the crew spent the night three sheets to the wind while a few, including First Mate Ulven, decided to crack Jenny's teacup down in the grotto. Those two young Scallywags, Jens and Emiel, decided they would pillage the Spanish navy galleon docked in the harbour. Those rapscallion fools. Captain Iretont just negotiated a treaty with the captain of that ship for safe passage. I bet those land lubbers be feedin' the fish in the morn as I be sure they take the walk of shame.
August 14, 1782
First Mate Ulven castigated those scurvy dogs this morning. I hear they also be facin' the keelhaul. Ugly that is. I bet they be wishin they be dancin with Jack Ketch instead.
August 23, 1782
Shiver me timbers! Those two lads Jens and Emiel escaped. Heard they found a new wee ship the two of them. I'm sure we will be huntin them down. Those bilge-sucking blaggards ain't gonna get away that easy. Cap'n Iretont sent the swashbuckler Mamarillas to end those black spotted bilge rats.
September 2, 1782
A violent storm approaches today forcing us to alter course toward Skeleton Reef. There ain't no seadog I know who wants to go near that dreadful place. They say no ship can survive in them waters. Cap'n Iretont be a complete addle!
September 4, 1782
Woke up today face down in the sand of Skeleton Reef, our ship nowhere to be seen. Storm seas set upon as we near the reef last night. Our Jolly Roger blew right off in a big gust of wind. I remember a large wave crashing down upon the ship, snappin the main sail in two. Swabby Adam swears he saw the krakens tentacles wrapping themselves around the hull in the blinding spray. We still ain't seen either of Cap'n Iretont or First mate Ulven. Must have went down with the ship...