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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 9.32
“The Tale of the Moselle”
A long while back, round abouts the 1870s, I’d say—some folks got themselves in a whole heap a trouble. See, after the War Between the States, lots of rich folk started movin on down to this here parish. Them people weren’t satisfied with the townhomes in the city. No—they needed mansions. Problem be, there ain’t much land round these parts to put em. So rather than headin somewheres else, they took to fillin in our Bayou. Them Cajuns didn’t take too kindly to losin their livelihood, but there weren’t much for them to do when the rich folks have their way. That is—till somebody paid a visit to Mama Laveau.
See Mama Laveau- she knew a thing or two bout the occult. Some might say even more than a little. Called herself a voodoo queen. She lived deep in the bayou behind the ol banyan tree—ain’t nobody went down that way botherin her. Most folk were too scared anyhow. But with them new folk movin in towards her territory, the Cajuns hoped she might be on their side. Mama Laveau didn’t take kindly to the new folk crowdin in, but it weren’t till the Broussard lady moved to town that she really started to take notice.
Delphine Broussard came from high class folks up in New York City. She looked down her nose at folks like the Cajuns. Ended up buildin herself a mansion right in the middle of this here bayou. Built herself a bridge back to town and everything. But what finally got Mama Laveau fired up was the steamboat. See Ms. Broussard had herself her very own steamboat—the Moselle. Ain’t nobody need their own steamboat—but sho nuff she had one. Would take her socialite friends on cruises round the bayou—makin noise and carryin on late into the night. This disturbance was too much for Mama Laveau an she saw to it that the party be put to a stop for good.
Late one night there rolled in a deep fog. A fog so think y’all could cut it wit a hatchet. The Moselle done lost her way and before you know, she run aground. Right next to that ol banyan tree. That fog hung round till morning, but when it finally cleared, all them partiers were nowheres to be found. Not a trace. But the banyan tree? Well it had bones hangin from all them branches. From that night on, all the Cajun folk knew that tree be cursed. Anybody sailin too close saw fog come outta nowhere and heard faint jazz music in da air. The very same kind them partiers were playin the night the Moselle vanished.
Rumor be that Mama Laveau conjured up Kalfou. He controls the crossroads between our world an the next. An he’s got plenty to say about injustice, destruction, an misfortune. But them who knew Delphine Broussard say she wouldn’t go down without a fight. Folks may be right too. See after that night when the partiers disappeared, Mama Leveau disappeared also. Some say she done got in over her head. Others say Ms. Broussard knew more about the occult than she let on. Only thing for certain is every year nature be taking back the Moselle—piece by piece. An the bones still hang from the banyan tree—a warning to thems who be makin trouble here in our bayou.
Explore at y’alls own risk, but they’ll be no turnin back if Kalfou gets his way.