Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 7.846
Welcome to Seaside Resort, a small amusement park which, as the name suggests, is located near the sea. You can enjoy multiple rides, enjoy the seaside shore and get some rest in the hotel if you want to stay at the park overnight.
This little piece of jungle, connected to the mainland, was once an area entirely covered with trees and was mostly used for jungle safaris. Sadly, people’s excitement for the safaris faded over the years, which consequently led to the company that made the safaris possible moving away, looking for business elsewhere. The land was free for the taking, so local companies thought of turning this place into something more interesting than just a jungle. One such company suggested turning the park into an amusement park. This idea was quickly accepted and the park was created.
This park started off with a family junior coaster, a ferris wheel, a maze and a plaza. Due to the park’s rectangular shape, a hypercoaster could fit well with the rest of the park, so the park owners paid D.H. Morgan Manufacturing to build a hypercoaster, now known as “The Kraken”. The hypercoaster gained wide acclaim from customers and rides alike. A beach was formed with a bar, along with a nice hotel. Lastly a launch coaster was placed, containing a top hat, a cobra roll and several airtime hills for an overall smooth experience.
So come and visit us and be enthralled by many fun attractions!
P.S. This is my first time making a story :P. Most of the coasters’ names are little hints to mythology, giving a bit more connection to the ride itself. This park also contains some secrets invisible to the naked eye. Explore to your heart’s content!