Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 8
* Round Earth Society: Water Treatment Facility *
After what they thought was a successful ascension, the Round Earth Society (R.E.S.) found themselves yet again in a desolate, barren land with little resources. They quickly constructed a series of domes, gates and hubs as part of a big space base to protect themselves, which was possible due to newly found techniques and tools gathered from the society.
After exploring they discovered that this part of the RCT-world had no fresh water supply on the land, but there was a bountiful supply underground. The R.E.S. came up with a system to pump the water and treat it for safe use. At ‘The Boiler’ water is heated to extreme temperatures, while at ‘The Fridge’ water is rapidly cooled down, to eradicate all harmful substances. In the main dome natural plants and other greenery filter the water for safe consumption. Special boats were built to help with water flow, distribution and sampling.
Due to the harsh conditions in the domes of the treatment facility, workers have to take different workshifts after each cycle. The R.E.S. entrusted the help of the DKMP-community for the filtering process and keep an eye on the ongoing activities in this part of the space base.
NB: I had a lot of trouble fixing the glitches. I hope you will not see the glitchfest I experienced whilst building.
NB2: I suggest you use cut-away-view if you think the view is too obstructed.
NOTE: Palette used is Nightlights5 by Team Spacecrab.