Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 7.93
Nestled in the heart of the rocky mountains is a small gardens and theme park. Originally opened in 1954, the park was built with just three rides: a tall wood roller coaster, a ferris wheel, and a small kid's merry-go-round. The focus was on pretty gardens and less on big rides to bring in guests.
As the years progressed the park's attendance declined, and with it funding for the park. In 1999 the park took out loans to build a splash boats ride into the small lake, which boosted attendance, but not enough to keep the gates open.
In 2007 the park closed, but this was not the end of the park. A small group, the Colorado Rocky Mountain Oyster Club (CRMOC), saw huge potential in the park. This small group was known for their love of the colorado delicacy, rocky mountain oysters(also their deep pockets). They wanted to use the park to advertize and sell Rocky Mountain Oysters.
In 2013 CRMOC teamed up with Rocky Mountain Construction to re-build the decaying wooden coaster into a steel hybrid to draw more guests to the park. They also put in modern launch ride near the loading platform of the splash boats ride. They also refurbished the splash boats, ferris wheel, and merry-go-round.
This hugely helped attendance, and to this day the Colorado Rocky Mountain Oyster Club functions as a theme park and botanical gardens with hundreds of guests daily. If you ever want to try Rocky Mountian Oysters and enjoy the outdoors, this is the place to be.
Notable Attractions:
-Newly Refurbished RMC Steel/Wood Hybrid Coaster: Rocky Mountain Oyster
-Ice Cream Point: Eat ice cream and watch the brand new roller coaster!
-Main Food Plaza for Rocky Mountain Oyster sampling
-Abundance of garden and flower beds spread among the park