Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 8.83
Whilst traveling through the forest looking for arrows, to get me some meal tonight, I saw a small building with a sign on it.
It said, Dolmarian, I guess I've been wandering off too much again, now I have to walk 30 minutes back to my hut to get home.
Instead of hunting for my meal, I could also go to the market square in this town to get me some food.
I still have those coins from selling one of my goats... but those are actually for buying a new bow. Ahh! look some arrows! Damn there are a lot, and well crafted, must be from the town I guess.
Looks like I wont be going to the town after all, shame though, it always looks beautiful there, and the people are always really kind. Well lets hunt some deer and head back to home.
Hey Guys,
This is a small story for my new park Dolmarian that I made for the Recreate a ride contest. With a palette I got from Shen Kitchen.
I tried really hard this time to give you the fantasy/fairy kind of feeling by looking at this park.
I love the genre really much and some of my favorite story's are Lord of the Rings and the Witcher and its where i get a lot of inspartion from.
But about the ride I recreated The Timbur Coaster Wodan wich is my primary coaster because I loved the scenery in the Park!
I also recreated The Blue Fire Coaster and they are both from Europa park where I went to last year.
I rode both of them multiple times and I really loved them.
Wodan Timburcoaster POV:
Lastly when you open my park i'd like you to listen to this song:
Its from Adrian Von Ziegler and he makes wonderfull fantasy style music and i love listling to him whlist working on these parks. This is opitinal ofcourse!
Anyway enjoy your time in Dolmarian!