Ride Creation Contest
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Park Creation Contest
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Score: 5.82
TLDR; An homage to the Smiler in Alton towers, with 14 drops instead of 14 inversions.
Today we’re going back to early 1948, WWII has ended just a few years ago. During the final battles in Europe several German scientists where given the option to work for the allied forces or get executed. The German scientist Anton Trum, an engineer with a background in psychology, chose to work with the American CIA to complete the project he started in 1939 under direct supervision of Jacob Otto Dietrich to improve the public opinion towards the Nazi party.
Back in Germany his inventions never got the results he was looking for, but with the resources the America government provided him he was able to build a factory that produces happy people. The biggest part to his success was the discovery of a natural source of liquid plutonium-239, the key-component to getting his machine to work. Here, in Oatman Arizona, Anton started work on his project in 1946. In December 1947 the first test subject came out of the front door with a smile from ear to ear, the machine did what it had to do.
Officially the project was given a generic number and was called PROJECT 5891, but due to the flow of cheerful people coming out of the factory it was quickly given the name “THE HAPPY FACTORY” and as soon the word spread, people where flocking towards the area to get rid of their post-war-depression. Security got increased, guard towers where placed near the entrance and mine fields where put in place to prevent uninvited people to get to the factory. This didn’t stop people from trying to get in anyway.
After the deaths of several people who tried to get in, the opinion of the general public changed towards a more hostile attitude and due to riots the factory got closed in May 1950. Almost 2 years later, in March of 1952, Dr Anton Trum died of acute radiation sickness when he tried to restart the factory as a commercial clinic for the rich and famous.
When in 2011 the, till then highly classified, documents from the CIA got published there was a great interest from the theme park industry because of the similarities in the goal they try to accomplish, making people happy. The British park Alton Towers always had a connection to Dr. Trum (Tower in German) in the minds of the general public, so they where fast to respond with a roller coaster to remember the great visions from Dr. Anton Trum and opened “The Smiler” in 2013, still making people happy today and for years to come.
Creators note:
-First time playing RCT with any cheats, never before used: Zero clearance, tile inspector, making my own buildings
-No grass inside of buildings
-Yes, most facts in the story are correct.
A few of my inside jokes:
-Link = Dutch for, a bit dangerous
-There is a hidden hint to a movie, letting you know if everything is real
-Appropriate (brand-)names