Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 9.24
Theme 1: Any movie
Theme 2: Asian
Coaster: Twister / Floorless Coaster
Big Hero Spaland was erected in a dense prefecture to capitalize on the popularity of the film Big Hero 6. All but a few landowners refused to sell their property to make way for the proposed park, so the rides were just sort of built into the city. A nearby bridge underwent costly modifications to look like the one from the movie, and construction began on the rides. Baymax: Care Provider is the park’s flagship attraction, featuring a state of the art tire drive launch that has totally never been done before, and theming to Baymax; everyone’s favorite overweight robot. The end of the ride also features a costly animatronic of a scene from the movie depicting Yokai destroying Krei’s campus. Superhero Landing was manufactured by Intamax as a prototype of their Void Drop model. Local drop tower regulations prohibit construction beyond the height of surrounding buildings to prevent eyesores (this was known internationally as the Tallboi Act), so to squeeze more height out of the attraction the decision was made to extend the drop beneath the station. With no available space on the ground, Bot Maniac was constructed on top of a building to shamelessly exploit people’s natural fear of heights. This attraction is especially popular among people who want to jump off a building. For those aren’t itching for thrills, you can pretend to be a background character from the movie and take a ride on the San Fransokyo trams, or you can light up a cigarette and venture into the arcade (Notice: The arcade is not associated with the park in any way. We are not responsible for the kind of content you may see in there, and we strongly advise that no minors enter.).