Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 8.11
This is my first entry into a DKMP Mini contest - I've been taking a break for the last few months so the small format was really tempting. I also wanted to use the go kart theme to revisit the scene I made in my first Timeline stage where the local autocross club set up a course inside a parking lot. There's really no such thing as a quick and easy build in DOGS TOWN, so I ended up adding a bunch of time-consuming details that I'm disproportionately proud of compared to their mundanity. I really can't help it. I know I'm obsessed with streets and highways, but I think each attempt has its own distinct character, and this backed-up highway is one of my favorite iterations. Eventually I want to create a mega park with a comprehensive road system, so this plot was great practice for testing ideas.
"DOGS TOWN NEWS - Land Motives Drive Automotive Panic
After nearly two years of consistent civic expansion, DOGS TOWN has experienced the first pangs of a land shortage that very well may last for the remainder of their history. With a record $50M investment in new roads and parking amenities having just been installed in the city, DOGS TOWN drivers were shocked to realize that the available land in their world has shrunk to 20x20 tiles. Worse still, the local DOGS TOWN AutoCross club has claimed the only existing parking lot under an irrefutable here-first policy. Now with a critical lack of space for parking and driving, the surviving roads have been pushed beyond capacity. Visual estimates through footage obtained by the DOGS TOWN NEWS chopper have determined that roughly 90% of the DOGS TOWN population have forced their car into the remaining space. Opinions are mixed on the prospects of this new way of life. While some are dissatisfied with the increase in pollution and stopped traffic found in all corners of the world, others are happy to simply be inside the map - to execute their petty entropic differentiation from the void - to idle their vehicle as an expression of intent - a proof they exist."